The Opening the Gate (OTG) project aims to improve the success rate of students in developmental math class and give them subsequent opportunities to participate in STEM majors and careers. 

Part of the OTG program is to develop a lecture capture system for students in developmental math courses.

We took a research-based approach to developing our lecture capture system.

The OTG Technology Innovation Team studied the data from past developmental math tests to identify trouble spots and find opportunities for student performance.

The team also conducted focus groups and interviewed students, faculty, and technicians to optimize the delivery system.

The goal is to provide an accessible and useful lecture capture support system for every student in developmental math.

New videos added periodically!


                                                                          Here are some samples of the works in progress

Basic College Math (Ma095)
Algebra for College (Ma098)
1.6.89 Perform Several Arithmatic Operations in the Proper Order 2.6 Solving Inequalities in one Variable
1.7.75 Solving Applications: Involving Rounding & Estimating 3.1 Translating English Phrases into Algebraic Expressions
1.7.77 Solving Applications 3.3 Solving Word Problems: Comparisons
2.3.9 Changed a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction 3.3.9 Solving Word Problems Involving Comparisons
2.3.37 Changed an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number 3.4 Solving Word Problems: The Value of Money and Percents part1
2.4 Multiplying Fractions & Mixed Numbers 3.4 Solving Word Problems: The Value of Money and Percents part2
2.5.33 Divide Mixed Numbers 3.4.7 Solving Percent Problems
2.7 Adding & Subtracting Fractions 3.5.13 Find Area, Perimeter, and MIssing Angles
2.8 Adding Mixed Numbers 3.6 Using Inequalities to Solve Word Problems
2.8.17 Subtracting Mixed Numbers 4.2 Negative Exponents and Scientifc Notation
2.9.3 Solving real-life Problems with Fractions 4.3 Fundamental Polynomial Operations
2.9.11 Solving real-life problems with fractions (Geometry) 4.3.25 Subtract Polynomials
3.1.53 Changing from a Decimal to Fractional Notation 4.4 Multiplying Polynomials
3.2.25 Place Decimals in Order from Smallest to Largest 4.6.5 Divide a Polynomial by a Mononomial
3.2.41 Round Decimals to a Specific Decimal Place 5.1 Removing a Common Factor
3.2.53 Round Decimals to Specific Decimal Place 5.2.9 Factor Expressions with Four Terms by Grouping
3.3 Adding & Subtracting Decimals 5.3.39 Factoring of the Form x^2+bx+c
3.4 Multiplying Decimals 7.2.13 Graph a Linear Equation by Plotting Three Ordered Pairs
3.5 Dividing Decimals 7.2.23 Graph a Straight Line by Plotting its Intercepts
3.6.19 Convert a Fraction to a Decimal 7.3.7 Find the Slope of a Line Given Two Points of the Line
4.3.19 Find the Missing Number in a Proportion 7.3.27 Find the Slope and Y-Intercept of a Line Given its Equation
4.4.13 Solving Applied Problems Using Proportions 7.4 Writing the Equation of the Line
5.2.13 Change a Percent to a Fraction 7.4.7 Write an Equation of a LIne Given a Point and the Slope
5.2.53 Change a Fraction to a Percent 7.4.23 Write and Equation of a Line Given a Graph of a Line
5.3A.7 Translate a Percent Problem into an Equation 7.5.7 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
5.4.7 Solving General Applied Percent Problems 7.5.15 Graph Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
5.5.15 Solving Commission Problems 8.1 Solving a System by Graphing
7.1.25 Understand and Use Angles 8.2.7 Solve a System of Two Linear Equations with Integer Coefficients by the Substitution Method
7.2.23 Graphing Linear Equations 8.5 Solving Word Problems Using System of Equations: example 1
7.6.5 Find the Hypotenuse of a Right Triangle Given the Length of Each Leg 8.5 Solving Word Problems Using System of Equations: example 2
7.7.15 Find the Area and Circumference of a Circle 8.5.15 Use a System of Equations to Solve Word Problems
10.2 The Distributive Property 9.1 Square Roots
10.2.37 Simplify Expressions by Removing Parentheses and Combining Like Terms 9.2 Simplifying Radical Expressions
10.3 Solving Equations Using the Addition Property 9.3 Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions
10.3 Solving Equations with Addition Property 9.4 Multiplying Radical Expressions
10.4 Solving Equations Using Division or Multiplication Property 9.4.11 Multiplying Mononomials
10.5.21 Solve Equations Where the Variable is on Both Sides of the Equal Sign 9.5 Dividing Radical Expressions
10.6.21 Write Algebraic Expressions for Several Quantities Using One Given Variable 9.6.9 Use the Pythagorean Theorem to Solve Applied Problems
  9.6.11 Using the Pythagorean Theorem to Solve Applied Problems
  10.1 Introduction to Quadratic Equations
  10.2 Using the Square Root Property and Completing the Square to Frind Solutions
  10.2.21 Solving Equations Using Square Roots
  10.3.9 Solve Quadratic Equations Using the Quadratic Formula
  10.3.31 Find the Decimal Approximation for the Roots of a Quadratic Function
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